Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice, Fifth Edition (2013) (Rem.)
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Same book, big discount (but slight cosmetic damage to cover).
Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice, Fifth Edition, is the fully revised and updated version of a book that has been serving primary care clinicians for more than twenty years. Using a traditional and easy-to-follow format, the book examines all of the common conditions encountered in primary care settings, while also addressing health promotion and disease prevention. For each topic, the essentials of pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and corresponding treatment plans including prognosis and recommended follow-up schedules are sequentially organized. Also included are recommended web-based resources and references to more in-depth discussion of the various topics. As in previous editions, Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice aims for thoroughness in coverage and for concision in approach, a formula that helps clinicians to efficiently recognize and treat the myriad medical conditions that they face as primary-care providers.